Oil Pulling

 Oil what? If you're anything like me when I first heard of oil pulling that was my first reaction. Have you heard of it? Would you try it? 

I read about this so called oil pulling a few years back, so naturally my curios mind wanted to know what the heck this was all about, and let me tell you there are some MAJOR benefits. Let's go over them together. 

Helps with bad breath...HELLO COFFEE BREATH this one alone was enough for me to dive in to this weird oil thing. 

Bleeding gums

Cavities, its always a plus when you find something to help with tooth decay. Also, I want to throw out there that if you have cavities or problems with recurrent infection brush your teeth with charcoal its a natural tooth whitener instead of using all of those dangerous, chemical filled tooth whiteners. 

Gingivitis, obviously nobody wants this. Gingivitis is a step before periodontitis. Periodontitis is a serious gum disease where your gums pull away from the tooth and your jaw bone can be affected.


Sensitive teeth, this is another one that made me say...oil pulling?!? yes please! My teeth have been super sensitive my entire life. 

Moist lips and mouth, do you ever feel like your mouth is dried up and parched even though you know you're not dehydrated? Oil pulling is an easy solution. 

Now that you have heard about the benefits of oil pulling let's go over how it is done. Measure out 1-2 Tsp of coconut oil, sesame oil, or sunflower oil. Which ever one you decide to go with make sure its high end. Swish and pull it around in your mouth and in between your teeth. Start with somewhere around 5 minutes and work your way up to 20 minutes. Don't swallow any of it since it contains toxins. When your time is up spit it in the garbage, you dont want to clog your drains with a build up of oil. Rinse your mouth with salt water or apple cider vinegar to ensure the oil is out of your mouth. Brush your teeth well to take care of any bacteria remnants. Smile in the mirror and thank yourself for taking time for self care! 

Really, it's that easy and has profound affects on your oral health. 




